Ensure that your Switchboard RCD’s (Residual Current Devices) are still functioning as intended.
RCD ‘Push Button‘ Test 6 monthly
- All Switchboard RCD’s are Push Button Only tested as per AS3760:2010
- All tests and electronically logged
- A PDF Report is finalized including a schedule of all Inspections performed and details of any finds for action
- Report is Uploaded to our Client Portal for your action and future reference
RCD ‘Trip Time‘ Test 12 monthly
- All Switchboard RCD’s are Trip Time tested as per AS3760:2010. This test is only performed by a Qualified A Grade Electrician.
- All tests and electronically logged.
- A PDF Report is finalized including a schedule of all Inspections performed and details of any finds for action.
- Report is Uploaded to our Client Portal for your action and future reference.
A residual current device (RCD) is an electrical safety device that helps to prevent electrical injuries and fatalities. When using electrical equipment, hazards such as damaged leads and cords, faulty wiring and dampness can lead to serious electric shocks or electrocution.
An RCD monitors the flow of electricity and is designed to immediately switch the electricity off when electricity “leaking” to earth is detected at a level harmful to a person using electrical equipment.
An RCD offers a high level of personal protection from electric shock, and also reduces the risk of fire in your premises.
All of the above is only true if the RCD is still working as intended. Regular testing both Push Button and Trip Time, are the only way to prove an RCD’s continued functionality over time.